Saturday, September 8, 2012

#17 - Species

Species is a game about ecology and evolution of plants for 2 or 3 players. Eight or nine different plant species compete for soil and sun, adapting to natural circumstances and to each other, while trying to survive a rampaging herd of grazing animals destroying everything in its path.
Players try to give the plant species under their control the right advantages to win the competition with the opponents’ species, and to spread as much as possible. Every turn, after the herd wipes out most of the plants from a small part of the map, the players secretly choose which of their species acquires a new adaptation (or loses one, or spawns onto the map), after which species spread and compete. These adaptations give advantages in specific parts of the map, or in combination with other advantages, or with other species with other advantages, or ...
  • Designer
  • Lajos Brons

  • Artist
  • Lajos Brons

  • Year Published
  • 2012

  • # of Players
  • 2 - 3

  • Playing Time
  • 90 minutes

Friday, September 7, 2012

#16 - Reanimation: A Zombie Survival Game

The city of Whitewater has suffered a great tragedy; for reasons unknown the dead have risen up from their graves and seek to feed upon the living. The city became overrun in a single night and the few remaining survivors now scavenge to survive during the day and barricade themselves safely away at night.
  • Designer
  • Fen Batten

  • Artist
  • Fen Batten

  • Year Published
  • 2012

  • # of Players
  • 2 - 5

  • Playing Time
  • 60 minutes

#15 - Guts Of Glory

Guts of Glory is an eating contest set in the post-apocalyptic future, in which players race to win the approval of the roaring crowd by chewing and swallowing the most spectacular foods. Every turn, each player must eat a new item from the plate; if they can't fit it in their mouth, another one is spewed out—which another player can catch and swallow for even more glory, leading to chain reactions reminiscent of one's most traumatic pre-school lunch experiences. It is truly the sport of kings.
  • Designer
  • Zach Gage

  • Artist
  • Jess Worby

  • Year Published
  • 1999

  • # of Players
  • 2 - 4

  • Playing Time
  • 15 minutes

#14 - Deadwood

Welcome to Deadwood Studios, home of the million-movie month. You’re a bit actor with a simple dream. The dream of getting paid. You and your cohorts will spend the next four days dressing up as cowboys, working on terrible films, and pretending you can act. So strap on your chaps and mosey up to the roof. Your line is "Aaaiiigggghh!" Deadwood is a fast-paced board game about actors, acting, and the thrill-filled life of a wandering bit player. It’s best with 2 to 6 players, but still decent with 7 or 8. Play time is about 60 minutes.
  • Designer
  • James Ernest, Rick Fish

  • Artist
  • Phil Foglio

  • Year Published
  • 1999

  • # of Players
  • 2 - 8

  • Playing Time
  • 60 minutes

(09/07/2012) Resources Of The Week

This post seeks to highlight the most significant resource of the week for all board games. All links refer to BGG (

The Lord of the Rings - The Card Game: Custom scenario - Radagast's Peril
The Lord of the Rings - The Card Game: New quest - Into Angmar! 
Age of Industry: Age Of Indutry PnP Expansion - The Great Lakers
Descent - Journeys in the Dark (second edition): Class Card Photoshop Template 
BattleCON - War of Indines: Project 1 - Strictly Business crossover (Fan Expansion)
Trenches of Valor: Extra non-official scenario's
Lords of Waterdeep: "Legends" a fan expansion for Lords of Waterdeep

#13 - Oh My Lair!

You are a dungeon lord and you are drinking your favourite cavern coffee when suddenly your spy informs you that a hero wants to slay you. It’s that time of the year where heroes will come out and try to destroy you and your lair. Prepare for the attack! Oh My Lair is a solo game where you control your minion to conquer region, collect resources to summon creatures, and defeat the hero before he reaches you.
  • Artist
  • Robertson Sondoh, Jr.

  • Designer
  • Jason Sondoh, Robertson Sondoh, Jr.

  • Year Published
  • 2012

  • # of Players
  • 1

  • Playing Time
  • 15 minutes

#12 - You Are The Maniac!

YOU are the Maniac! transforms the player into the role of the Maniac. Slash your way through a 3 part film franchise, complete with a familiar cast of characters and all of the slasher film stereotypes we hold dear to our blood-thirsty hearts. In each film, 13 Victims are lined up, including one Final Girl. Players take turns playing Maniac cards, capturing Victims and adding them to their killer Collection. At the end of the third movie, the Maniac with the most points wins. Gameplay is on the lighter side, with a surprising mix of strategy. The humor is on the darker side, appealing to fans of horror movies.
  • Artist
  • Todd Wahoske

  • Designer
  • Lara Engebretson, Josh Engebretson, Todd Wahoske

  • Year Published
  • 2012

  • # of Players
  • 2 - 4

  • Playing Time
  • 30 minutes